• support@tekscientists.com

  • 9908171519

  • Mon-Sat 9.00 - 18.00

About Tek-Scientists

Tek-Scientists is a non-profit organisation that support K12 Schools. Whenever we are talking about the future of education, we believe we should always start with the fundamental question, “What is the purpose of education?” There are many good answers. But we can say that - “To help every child flourish in life, no matter what happens.”

In a fast changing world focusing on traditional academic skills will remain important, but that is not enough. To thrive as global citizens, children must be equipped with a breadth of skills.

Project quick info:
  • Project Name: Tek-Scientists
  • Category: Support for K12 Schools
  • Clients: State & CBSE Schools
  • Start Date: 26 May 2017
  • Website: www.tekscientists.com


Transform K12 education in India to help every child flourish in life, no matter what happens.

  • What have been the main take aways you have learnt on the Tek-Scientists journey so far?

    Nothing great can be achieved alone. The power of Tek-Scientists is in its community of like-minded education innovators, and other education enthusiasts. The scary and at the same time thrilling moment is when you notice that it’s not in your hands anymore. Our community is challenging us to work better every day, guiding us in the right direction, providing insights, and valuable help. This is what we find motivating and helps us enjoy the ride.

  • Has the vision changed since the begining? How?

    Tek-Scientists started as a project to highlight Transform education system with School Leaders as part of the centenary celebration of Telangana. During the first two years we understood that it’s not only Telangana, but there is a Nation need to highlight Transform education system and the key role what the play in society. Therefore our vision has not changed, but our understanding of the nationa context has become much deeper and wider.


Tek-Scientists collaborate with schools in India and give extended support to transform the quality of school education.

  • If you were to pick one thing to make better about education today, What it would it be and why?

    It would be communication about the education system and its development needs. Too often we are debating by using black & white arguments to prove our point when most of the time the right answer is “I don’t know”. It’s impossible to predict the future and our nation is facing big challenges. We should be more willing to understand different points of view and build common ground.

  • Where do you dream Tek-Scientists to be in the short and long term?

    We dream that we would be one of the leading experts in impactful and scalable education innovations by 2030 nationally. Even when trying to be as objective and self-critical as possible, we have the feeling that we have reached that goal and that makes me really proud. However, if we want to reach our main goal, “helping every child flourish in life, no matter what happens,’’identifying all the great solutions is not enough.

Project Result

There is over a decade’s worth of literature and evidence on how and why quality education scale. Our understanding of the mechanisms and tools to support innovation spreading are more effective through online environments than ever before, but still education innovations struggle to scale up and practices do not travel between classrooms easily.

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